McCormack Baron Salazar Vice President Serves on ULI Technical Assistance Panel
At the invitation of Citizens for Modern Transit and St. Louis Metro (the Bi-State Development Agency), the Urban Land Institute of St. Louis was asked to form a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) to address possible development around St. Louis area transit stations - this time focusing on the UMSL South Station on the campus of the University of Missouri St. Louis. Included among the experts on the panel was McCormack Baron Salazar Vice President, Stan Mulvihill.
The recommendations of the TAP were presented to the stakeholders and community on April 17. Click here to view the presentation and learn more about the UMSL South TAP.
Other TAPs sponsored by ULI included one formed in the spring of 2011 to evaluate development opportunities at a future Metrolink stop in Olivette and University City. McCormack Baron Salazar Communications Manager Cady Scott Seabaugh served as the ULI Young Leader on that panel.