The Brewery
St. Louis, MO
The St. Louis Brewery Apartments consists of three former Columbia Brewery buildings (built in 1892 but later acquired by Falstaff Brewery) and ten rowhouses of the same era directly across 20th Street. McCormack Baron Salazar originally completed the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of these thirteen buildings, including 140 units, in 1985. Two new infill buildings were added at that time.
Twenty years later, the complex was in need of significant structural repair and cosmetic updating. The renovation was financed through a combination of tax exempt bonds issued by Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC), Federal and State Low Income and Historic tax credits, and State Affordable Housing Assistance Program (AHAP) charitable contribution credits based on a contribution by equity partner, Alliant Capital. The renovation replaced all roofs, tuckpointed all historic structures, and updated all interior finishes including new kitchen and bathroom cabinetry. Seventy-five percent of the units are affordable to households making less than 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) including twenty-four HOME and AHAP units set-aside at 50% of AMI.